Mar 19, 2010

DEN 20 - There is nothing rotten in the state of Denmark

                       I decided to "walk" to northern Europe, and found something interesting in Denmark. The local index DEN 20 has made beautiful impulse, which is almost done.
The wave count I came up with, is for an impulsive five waves. There are many, many gaps, but so what. The price is very close to resistance since July 2008 and I will keep it on eye next few weeks. My expectations are for corrective reversal soon.

The picture in 1 hour chart doesn't show signs of  reversal yet. If I notice any , I will make an update.
I've been to Copenhagen once, and can assure you - There is nothing rotten in the state of Denmark.

Mar 15, 2010

The Hard Rock music and the Elliott Wave Principle part II

                                                      PART II

             In the beginning of 60 - groups like “The Beatles",” The Rolling Stones” change the rock by accessioning greater sounds, heavy guitars, loud drums and strong singers. That sound  becomes the hard rock’s ground, and leaves a deep sign in my musical culture later. That style forms at last and becomes known at the end of 60s . Deep purple and Led ZeŃ€pelin help out for its imposition with their first albums.    Note that then the world indices are already consolidated.
            During the 70s the assortment of other genres evolves from the hard rock. Queen mixes hard rock and heavy metal, progressive, even opera.
        Like every economic trend, and the musical one makes corrections.
 In 1980 Led ZeŃ€pelin breaks after the drummer’s sudden death. The AC/DC’s vocal- Bon Scott dies  in the same year. Thereupon the fact, I have reason to suspect the end of the first  from third wave of "classical" hard rocks-bands.
   Some groups like Queen even goes away from hard rock sounding, they oriented to the pop-rock.
        The end of 80’s, according to my screenings is the most successful period for the hard rock music.
       Based on the wave counting, I suppose to expect third of a third wave. The first places in the musical rankings have been reached by hard rocks bands mostly. Bon Jovy’s "Slippery when wet" (1986) stays for 8 weeks in ” Billboard” ranking.  Europe’s "The final countdown" reaches a number-1 in 26 countrys. In 1987, the most mind - blowing albums are" Appetite for destruction" of  Guns’n Roses, and  Def Leppard’s “Hysteria”. I know that I cut quite great names in hard rock and their interpretation in the rankings, therefore expect all fans to forgive me.
         In the beginning of 90 appears new  combinationpunk and heavy metal and other styles . The bands who make this manner are Nirvana ... . . I do not remember about others.  I offer  to label this period as a fifth of third wave. Then launches a range of genres with hard core, rap and soul mixture. I intentionally missed  to enrich my musical culture, because I prefer the classics.
        I have the reason to suspect  beginning of wave four  around the beginning of the new millennium.This period begins I think with apathy about  the fans and the rocks-bands. The concert manifestations are rarity, probably due to the concern about avian flu  infection, anthrax or terrorist  assaults. The world indices as well went in corrections . The fourth waves have consolidating character .
      Fifth waves are usually based on extreme and mindless optimism.  Their form is different  and depends on previous 1st and 3th waves proportion.
       In the beginning of the new century older and gray, some of my favourite groups begun to make songs, singles as well, validated their concert activity and even visited my country few times.
       I offer this period to be labeled as wave number five. During this wave i was really happy, because one of my dreams came true.  I had the opportunity to watch my favourite rock bands live. I visited in a three years period Deep Purple, Whitesnake, Ronnie James Dio and Rainbow, who brought dose of harmony in my soul.
       The most famous recent hard rock-bands have members from last century groups. For example “Velvet revolver” has member of the ex Guns’n Roses. These groups make secondary  meetings out and events
       Led Zeppelin export one concert and revive the hard rock-pastime again.
    According to Elliott Wave Model if we have five waves in one direction suppose to expect three waves (A B C) in the backward direction.

      I have reasons to think that the correction has already begun. What exactly do I can expect in times after this correction still can only imagine, but possibly the rock music will receive some other kind of sounding. I really hope that kind of the rock to sound like Deep Purple, Whitesnake, Rainbow, AC /DС, Def Leppard and other rock dinosaurs. 


Mar 12, 2010

DJIA - A sight from the ridge

              Probably some of you remember my post DJIA update-bullish signs  (Feb 10 2010), where I suggested scenario about the current picture. That scenario was totally different than the most preferred  in EW Sphere. The time is on the way to prove that lateral truck picture. 
              Now the 1 hour chart is giving me some mixed thoughts about the wave count. It seems better as 3 waves rally, still holding the price over the trend line. Despite that, looks a bit sloppy to count it as 5 waves for now. 

                  The best count I can suggest in daily time frame is a triangle formation to form, and very difficult range trading for the next few months. The difficulty comes from the fact, that the traders will need to turn from bears to bulls very often. It will probably cause lots of loses to the not too flexible ones. According to my time calculations that bull rally will probably show signs of exhaustion around the mid of July 2010. Then I suspect it will begin the down turn phase of a larger degree. Other- alternative count, which I didn't label on the chart is downside rally, breaking 9 835 low and painting one more "zig-zag", and resuming the bull case after that. We'll see next few weeks. 
 Very short term I am bearish, expecting possible 10 042 test.
While I was keeping on eye PUT/CALL Ratio, I noticed that the indicator crossed the DJIA trend very dramatically. That shows the PUT OPTIONS quantity last few days has risen rapidly. It is a very bearish sign.
         According to AAII, the bullish expectations for next few weeks market direction have risen to 45.3%. For me that suggests bearish expectations as well. 

Bullish 45.3%
up 9.4

Neutral 29.4%
down 8.5
Bearish 25.3%
down 0.9

Any other ideas?

Mar 11, 2010

The Hard Rock music and the Elliott Wave Principle

       I wrote this material almost one year ago, but i lost it somewhere in my PC hard drive. Fortunately few days ago I dug it out. 
    First I want to appologise about the botchy translation, but I think the idea by itself is more important, so leave the market for a while and read this;  
                                                                            PART I

              As a huge hard rock fan, I will try to apply this type of music as a social mood, its beginnings and derivatives to the Elliott Wave Principle.
          The blues originates at the end of 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.  Largely the country-music has been brought by the white emigrants in North America.
              Most of us know the meaning of "the blues"-, melancholy, depression etc. In the blues the escort has been with a guitar and banjo. The love, the farewell, the death, the slavery and the similar excited-physical states are the subjects.
             We will review that period as wave 1 of one musical trend, which has reflected in itself the crowd’s emotional condition. Typically for the first waves in a new bull trend is, that they are build themselves when everybody are totally despaired , concerned about the future. That period is overlapped by the world economy, which is at the doorway to the strong rise unseen for all time, whose pick achieves in 1929. We all have heard about that year.
           Wave 2 normally begins, when the negative spirits are still in evidence. At this time the news are even worse, than they have been near the previous bottom, but despite this the mass stock selling and the fear do not manage to bring new low. Prices do not fall under the previous bottom.
               Next few years the music gets curling up as a social mood. Some names in blues are confirmed in this period /1930-1950/ as Moody Waters, Willie Dickson etc. That time matches with the Spirit Prohibition and the Second World War.           Let’s label that period as wave 2.
          In 54th "Rock around the clock" with guitar and drums accompaniment by Bill Haley blows the crowd and become a hit very fast.
              Then begins wave 3 according to my point of view. That is the best thing could happen to everyone. It is a suicide standing against the 3th waves.
  Wave number 3 matches with the rising economic trends and continues to nearly 2000 year.
              In the end of 50s - Radio announcer used the concept-rock"n"roll for the first time, which is blues and country mixture. Then that style is presented and sung only by Afro-Americans as Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Beau Didley etc. A deal of great contribution gives "the boy of America" Elvis Presley. We have to mention Buddy Halle, Jerry Lee Louis and Johnny Cash as well.


Mar 7, 2010


Probably hurts.
          I view the bull action as likely a final move before a correction. Technically, the price is overbought in 1 to 4 hour time frames, and DJIA is squeezing every ounce from the bears.
         Now the most likely scenario is for a rally to continue in today's session little more higher - around 10 600, completing (C) wave of a (Y).  Then should be followed by a down turn phase.     
                  The Daily Index Sentiment is pitching into the extremes again.
Put/call ratio 5 day MA crossed down, supporting my bearish expectations. 
Let the force be with you:)